Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Felt Christmas Mittens

 I saw this video awhile ago and I fell in love with these adorable mittens and decided to make some for the family this Christmas.  The die set is from Memory Box - Plush Frosty Mitten Style 99308.  They have additional dies that can be used with this die to decorate the mittens, but I only used this one.  It was hard to photograph them, but I finally decided to hang them on some skewers I had.  When I was photographing them, the song about the Three Little Kittens that washed their mittens and hung them out to dry came to mind!  LOL!

I thought it would be so cute if I tied these mittens on the presents for the family.  

I had a bunch of different colored felt in my stash, as well as embroidery thread so I was all set to go.

I also used some buttons in my stash as well as some of SU's Christmas Decorative Designer buttons.  I didn't get a close up of the light blue mitten I made for the baby.  I used a giraffe button I had in my stash.  It looked so cute!

Here is a closer look.  I used some of SU's Christmas ribbon for the hanger.  I used the mitten, cuff and snowflake dies before I sewed them together.  I was only going to make a few but once I got started I couldn't stop!!  

I'm not an expert seamstress but following the video they came together pretty good!  This is what I have been doing instead of making Christmas cards!  

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving.  We are getting our first snow flurries for the season.  Jennifer and her friends enjoyed the Christmas lights this past weekend, as well as the ice skating rink that was set up.  They made it of acrylic.  Not as good as ice but they had fun!  

Thanks for stopping by,



Leslie Miller said...

Your mittens are adorable and you made so many! Yes, they will look super cute on packages. It's always so fun to see what you make next. Again, I marvel at all the activities your town provides for kids or anyone. I know you're in Pennsylvania (right?), but I'm curious as to which town. It looks very pretty!

mamawcindy said...

Your Christmas mittens are so CUTE!!! They will be perfect on presents. I am getting ready to start making crocheted Christmas stockings to hold gift cards. Hoping they turn out nice. So nice that they set up a Ice skating rink.I would definitely need one of those red things to hold on to.They need tall one's for adults. Have a great day, I'm spending a few days with my Mom.

Tanza Erlambang said...

glad to know that you keep American tradition to hang mittens during Christmas season .....

Your mittens are awesome... love it...

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