Tuesday, June 1, 2021

New Email Subscription

 As you may know Feedburner is getting discontinued on July 1.  I am in the process of subscribing to  a new feed- follow.it for my blog.  Of course change is not easy with a lot of ups and downs.  Please bear with me while I struggle through this.  Thanks for your patience!



Leslie Miller said...

I'm in the process with follow.it, too. I was importing subscribers from Feedburner, but they have to approve it if you have more than 100 subscribers. So I had to email them some additional information to prove my subscribers were real. Other than that, the process did get a little complicated at one point, but I got through it. Just waiting on that approval. Good luck!

bread&salt said...

Day by day become a blogger is difficult. So many changes happens and we dont know what to do.