Saturday, June 15, 2019

Hershey's Kisses Cars

Hard to believe that Father's Day is tomorrow.  Boy did that sneak up on me.  I had started to make these cute little Hershey's kisses cars before we left on vacation and finally finished them.  Brenda Qunitana made this - TUTORIAL - for them and I knew when I saw it I would have to make them for Father's Day.  Unfortunately, with everything going on I didn't get to make as many as I wanted for the Wellness Center but saved some for the family.

Brenda always does a great job with her tutorials.  I love them all.

These would be great for a lot of occasions. 

Joe was watching me put them together and loved how the headlights, tail lights and especially the wheels came together.

Sorry, I didn't get them posted earlier, but they would be great for birthdays as well.  We hope everyone has a wonderful Father's Day weekend!  Our weather is great so I'm anxious to be outside for most of it.

Thanks for stopping by,



Tanza Erlambang said...

creative.... lovely cars

Have a wonderful Father's Day

Leslie Miller said...

Oh, how fun! I saw your title and I saw the first two pictures as I was scrolling down, and I wondered how these were going to turn into cards, but WOW, they sure did! How do people dream up these things? So CUTE!!

mamawcindy said...

How cute Nancy, I have never seen them made like cars. What a great Idea,Love them!!!